About the PCRC

We are a group that was created in February 2021 to foster conversations and collaborations with other purity culture-related researchers.


When the PCRC started meeting in February 2021, there were four researchers at the first meeting. Now, we are affiliated with 30+ researchers in North America and Europe!


Since we are an international collective that desires regular contact, we meet virtually every month over zoom for two hours. We stay in touch throughout the month, as well.

Why Do We Meet?

Purity Culture is a relatively recent topic of study in academia. It has wide-reaching intersectional impacts, and being in dialogue helps us to share research + have a more holistic understanding of the research.
Due to the fact that many of us grew up in purity culture, it is important that we have this space to meet together, as general academic settings do not have embodied understanding of purity culture.

We recognize that to dismantle purity culture, we cannot do it alone. We need a collective of individuals that are passionate about working together through interdisciplinary perspectives.

Our Commitments

More information to come soon! We are currently reviewing our collective commitments.